Saturday, March 21, 2009

the tBird on using Auto DM responsibly...

Okay Tweeps, here's my take on automatic direct messaging (Auto DM in TwitterSpeak.) Now I realize that this subject is controversial (which makes my belly feathers twitch)... and I like that, but seriously...

The questions this subject brings to mind are of ethics, professionalism and responsibility, as I see it.

I use Auto DM, and will continue to use it... here's why. While the tBird is new to the scene, my creator has been doing this Twitter thing for a bit, so it will not be long before I surpass him in followers because I'm just that good, plus I'm ripped and he's still fat (but he's molting week by week, so there's hope!)

Anyway... I think Auto DM can be used responsibly and for those who are using it would suggest the following:

First, the DO NOT's....

1.) Don't spam with it, especially if you want people to continue to follow you. If you span using an Auto DM, it's probably a one way ticket to "dropsmeville!" (Otherwise known as the dreaded unfollow.)

2.) Don't ignore people when they try to engage in conversation. If someone speaks to you, reply. Have some manners for tweets sake! If you are having a hard time keeping up, try and application like TweetDeck or Twhirl, they make life much easier.

3.) Don't use an auto reply for @replies. A friend of my creator did that last week and lost his account. It's sad, but what can I say... you break the rulz, you pay the price.

Second, the DO's...

1.) Use Auto DM as an assistant and manage it well. When I'm monitoring Twitter I set my auto DM to send a reply that says "Thanks for following, it's great to see you here. How are you today?" Some reply, some don't. Those that do reply get a prompt reply from me because I'm monitoring Twitter from my desktop using TweetDeck. This helps me build relationships and keeps the Mrs. happy, the babies fed and the bank off my back when business happens.

2.) Give people a gift... I also include a link at the end that offers a direct link to Twitter tools, resources, etc, that they can use to have more fun with Twitter.

3.) If you are going to have the Auto DM on, when people reply to "How are you today, ANSWER them!" Not doing so is an irresponsible and unprofessional use of that tool and will not show you to be an INFLUENCER in your network.

Hey, I'm just a bird, what do I know? This seems to make sense and I think if you practice this you might find Twitter to be more productive!

Until next time!

The tBird!