Saturday, March 21, 2009

How to add more followers to Twitter using #followfriday

For those who don't know, #followfriday is a weekly event where people from all over TwitterLand refer and recommend one another to their friends and followers.  This is usually done for one of the following reasons:

*The person being referred brings great value to the network!
*The person being referred has said or done something to the benefit of all!
*The person being referred has admirable traits or qualities...

... or, it maybe they're just freakin' cool, like me!

To use #followfriday, it's very simple.  Every Friday (notice it's not called #followthursday) you simply send out a Tweet or two formatted like this:

"RT"... whoops... for those who don't know, RT mean ReTweet (which is a method the Tweople use to request others in they're network ReTweet a message)

"RT cool people I met this week: @tBirdrulz @askbillmitchell @bobriddelllive @ethicalernie #followfriday."

Click the link at the end of this sentence to watch a COOL video on how to use #followfriday.

Until next time!